Many photographers have difficulty in determining and setting up the pose of a model, especially in outdoors portrait, to obtain a great portrait. Below, I will present some pose of female model in outdoors portrait, of which the poses are already select and adjust to the outdoors situation (especially in the natural landscape) by considering the convenience and safety model.
The sample of the poses below earmarked for the photographers and models who unlike or disagree with that glamorous poses or sensual, with according to them is a method to women exploiting.
Of particular interest of the model poses, are a setting up of the model face to the position and direction, layout of hands and feet, and the body position. The sample poses below divided into 3 groups, namely sitting poses, standing poses in ¾ bodies and standing in full body portrait.
The sample in below can be use as a guidance for beginning photographers and models to try out portrait models in outdoors, and I hope can be digging inspiration, discovering and determining the pose yourself. Moreover, the decision is in your hand, Good Luck.
sitting poses - 01 |
sitting poses - 02 |
sitting poses - 03 |
standing 3/4 body - 01 |
standing 3/4 body - 02 |
standing full body - 01 |
standing full body - 02 |
Thank you posting great posing guides.
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